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Showing posts from August, 2015

5 Truths You Need to Know About Financial Freedom.

There is an ancient story I will like to share with you. A slave prisoner named Joseph was invited to the palace in Egypt. The king had a problem that nobody had been able to solve. Joseph solved the problem and he was promoted to the position of Prime Minister. He woke up in prison that morning but slept in the palace that night. Dear friend, I pray that there will be a turn-around in your finances from today.

No Act Of Kindness Is A Waste. The Amazing Story Of A Waitresss That Changed Her Life.

Shouldn’t every day be an opportunity to act with kindness? Even doing just one tiny act of kindness can change your world and the world around you. In today's article, i will be sharing a story i stumbled upon while surfing the internet today. This is one of those stories that restores your faith in humanity and teaches the importance of giving and being kind to others. This amazing act of kindness is inspiring and life changing. I felt emotional while reading this and i thought i should share this with you.. The major reason why i am sharing this is for us to know that no act of kindness, whether big or small is in vain, it will always pay off sooner or later. Read her story below....

#(VIDEO OF THE WEEK). Your Identity in Christ.

Discover how Faith Can Affect Your Purpose And Destiny.(Begin To Function Like God).

In today’s article, I will be sharing with you some key revelations I discovered from the book of Genesis 1:26. “Then God said, Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over all the earth”. When God made you and me in his likeness, he did not make us to look like him, he made you to function like him. That is what “Likeness ” means. When God created you, he made you to operate and function like him in other words, if you are not functioning like God, then you are “Malfunctioning” because God has wired you to do so.

Ways In Which Gratitude Can Transform Your Leadership And Influence

This is a guest post by Neamat Tawadrous who blogs on leadership, and whose vision is to become a global authority that helps, empowers and equips new and struggling business owners with the guidelines and leadership skills to market themselves and become unlimited leaders (Alpha Leaders) She was one of  the EMB BloggerSupport Mega Giveaway and STARS Bloggers winners, thus the guest post opportunity. In today’s post she highlights the importance of leaders developing the practice of gratitude as a strategy to lead and influence their followers and sums it up with some powerful transforming benefits of gratitude for leaders. Without further adieu here now is Neamat…

The Spiritual Laws of Success: Spiritual Steps to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams.

Dear Beloved. Today i will be posting some very fundamental laws to great success and i think it's time we look in these areas of nature. this article is an extract from the Book " The 7 laws of success" by Deepak Chopra. I recommend you get that book. It contains more detailed and practical steps to live a life of fulfillment. Below, i have listed some of these laws and as you read through, i trust God that this article will illuminate you and grant you some level of understanding into achieving your goals and living that life you desire. 1: The Law of Pure Potentiality The source of all creation is pure consciousness…pure potentiality seeking expression from the un-manifest to the manifest. And when we realize that our true Self is one of pure potentiality, we align with the power that manifests everything in the universe.


Forgiveness is not a feeling - it's a decision we make because we want to do what's right before God. It's a quality decision that won't be easy and it may take time to get through the process, depending on the severity of the offense. Remember to forgive and show mercy even to your enemies. Unless you are without sin, don’t cast a stone at people. You might find that stone flying right back at you one day. No sin and temptation no matter how great or small is indifferent to any person. Anyone is capable of any sin given the right situation. It’s funny to me because I find that Christians who claim to

Solomon's Proverbs And Advice About Sex. (A Truth You Must Know).

God invented sex , and Solomon had 1000 wives and concubines. The combination should be very good. Proverbs addresses this exciting and important part of your life. You should want to know the rules of the Inventor, and the advice of the wisest man with so much experience should provide further wisdom. Are you ready to have the best in bed ? Proverb 5:19 Does breast size matter? The Inventor and Solomon, seeing 1000 different sizes, say no. He told his son to be satisfied with his wife's breasts and ravished with her love. Optimal sexual pleasure is a choice, not a body or part.

6 Lessons That Will Set Your Thoughts Into Motion.

Life is beautiful and offers us many valuable lessons along the way. As much as we have come to believe that it is unpredictable and that our destiny is set in stone, we have the power within us to control and change most of what happens in our lives and it’s quality by the choices we make, the actions we take and the way we react to circumstances and various situations. The following quotes reinforce this: Quote #1: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln We cannot change the past, neither can we predict the future but we can use our past experiences,

Benjamin Franklin Asked Two Important Questions Every Day.. (This was his daily planner).

For those who do not know who Benjamin Franlin is, You can read it up here. This was Benjamin Franklin 's daily plan ner: (Image below)There are two important questions he asked in his daily planner: 1. What good shall I do this day? 2. What good have I done today? Would they be useful questions to ask ourselves every day?When  planning each day ,  he considered "Prosecute the present study" which means to invest time for education, study or some form of self-improvement . If such a great man as Benjamin Franklin included this on his daily schedule, do you think it would benefit each of us?

The Gift Of Forgiveness...

"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you." ~ Lewis B. Smedes Most of us carry around anger, resentment, jealousy , or some other negative emotion directed to others.  Some of these have been around for years or are directed towards someone no longer in your life.  All those negative emotions hang around your neck and weigh you down.  Unless dealt with, they will eventually start to broadly affect the quality of your life and that of those around you.  Love, Compassion and the rest of the higher vibrational emotions are constrained by the baser ones.  We cannot fly if we are chained down. "When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free."

4 Common Elements That May Be Preventing Your Success.

When life beats us down so much, it tends to feel like we’re just going the wrong way. Everything seems to sabotage our efforts no matter how hard we try. Every obstacle puts us right back to square one or even worse off than we were before. We keep seeing these obstacles come at us like they were meant to take us down, and we’re easily defeated because it’s both overwhelming and everything, including everyone around us might be affirming how impossible it is to win. What gives, and does it really have to be that hard? Not really. Yes, challenges are going to come. This world was equipped with challenges but if we look at the accomplishments in our history it’s pretty obvious that we were meant to overcome, we were meant to win, we were meant to move through defeat, towards that eventual “sigh” of victory.