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Practical Ways To Kill Inferiority Complex and Become a Master Of Yourself.

Briefly i will start by saying that for anyone who desires to overcome his or her inferiority complex must first, know that  inferiority complex is as a result of lack of self discovery. If you don’t know what you worth, people will put you where they think you should belong. I will like to inject in you this mindset of who you really are and for you to realize your worth.  the road to overcoming
inferiority complex is simple and plain. Just discover your worth.
the world is in need of you. God took time to make you who you are. If you were not important, God would not have spent such a quality time to work out your mathematics.
Jesus said,
“You are the salt of the earth…” (Matthew 5:13)
This means that without you, life itself will not taste better for some people. Your existence determines the fulfillment of many destinies. Many people’s lives are hooked to you. If you leave this earth today, many generations may struggle for eternity to cover the wide gap you created as a result of your departure.

Know this: Like i said earlier, inferiority complex is as a result of lack of self discovery. If you don’t know what you worth, people will put you where they think you should belong. Remember, your price cost Jesus his blood, to show how much important you are. No body really knows you. There is “a priceless Gold” in you, waiting to be revealed. Discover it.

Your contribution to life will make a great meaning to your generation. If you can only discover, develop and release what you carry from creation, you will leave an indelible footprint behind for your generation to always remember, when you might have gone.

The world is a field of display. If you have no part to play, you would have not been here in the first place. So, discover your part and play it well.

If a man is not fulfilled before leaving this earth, he will mean a great waste to God and to his generation.

Your daily dream for greatness is just a divine motivation; the pursuit of it is the work divinity within you. The bible says,

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13)

But if your dream is fulfilled, heaven will have no choice but to smile with a honorable welcome, waiting for you, when your time is up here on earth.

There are three words to always remember as you keep living:

1. Dream
2. Pursuit
3. Fulfillment.

There are also three things you must keep in mind, if you must be fulfilled:

1. Hard work
2. Courage
3. Persistence

Anyone, who ever made it to the end had these things in their subconscious. No matter what you face in life, keep moving. If you cannot fly, run; if you cannot run, walk; if you cannot walk, crawl. By all means, keep moving. Courage is not an absence of fear, but the ability to master it. If nothing seems to be working, just apply patience. Patience is the ability to discern the benefit of your present time. But don’t forget to persist in prayer.

I see God helping you in Jesus precious name.

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