Today am going to be sharing some powerful Lessons on how to become excellent in everything.
Firstly, I will start by discussing what it means to become excellent.
To be excellent
means to be exceptionally good, possessing good qualities in an eminent degree. It also means something of a higher quality and splendid or superior in its nature.
We live in a society now that everybody is struggling to meet up and to do things the way it has been done. Only few are been done in an exceptional way, but today with the help of the holy spirit we will discover how we can possess the spirit of excellence or uniqueness in virtually everything we
do which will definitely reflect in our lives as individuals, and to our society collectively.
When you study the book of Daniel, (Daniel Chapter 1-6) from the beginning of the reign of king Nebuchadnezzar till the reign of king Darius you will discover that Daniel was distinguished because of what he possessed, and that brought his quick acceleration to the government of his day. He came to the spot light because of an excellent spirit in him. The bible says that an excellent spirit, knowledge and understanding were found in the same Daniel (Daniel 5:12).
And when I began to study the life of this great man I discovered that Daniel was a man who demonstrated great wisdom and always given God complete credit. There was something unique about Daniel which set him above him contemporaries. Below are the key principles to Daniel’s distinction and great fame

When king Nebuchadnezzar was in search of servants and men that could work in the palace, he mentioned some key qualities which he the king needed and one of which was a man without blemish. Daniel’s lifestyle reflected even to the society that everyone knew him as a righteous man. That quality was needed and immediately he was recommended. Do you want to achieve excellence in life, then you got to be upright. You have to live in righteousness, which is doing what is right at the right time. Your righteousness must reflect to the world to see, because every child of God is a “light to the world, a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden”. (Mathew 5:14). Sin can damage your favor and can block every good thing that God has prepared for you. When you live a life of righteousness, it has a way of singling you out from the crowd unknowingly to you. Let righteousness and an upright living be your standard and for it to be your standard you must stand hard, without shaking and giving attention to the devil whose goal is to kill steal and lead us astray.(John 10:10)
when the king approved a daily provision of the king’s meat (Daniel 1:5) and wine, Daniel purposed in his heart that he will not defile himself with the king’s meat nor with the wine which he drank. Daniel knew that for him to achieve greatness, and become what God wants him to be, he needed to discipline his flesh and subject himself to that which will please God. Many people today compromise their trust and faith in God when they are in a tough or rough situation, and some do compromise in the midst of plenty. That was the case of Daniel. For any man who desires success and excellence, then self-discipline must be your priority. You have to pray that God will imbibe the spirit of self-discipline. I have seen many young and old people destroyed because they couldn’t control themselves in the midst of plenty. God wants us to learn that excellence has a price to pay and one of which is discipline.
when the king approved a daily provision of the king’s meat (Daniel 1:5) and wine, Daniel purposed in his heart that he will not defile himself with the king’s meat nor with the wine which he drank. Daniel knew that for him to achieve greatness, and become what God wants him to be, he needed to discipline his flesh and subject himself to that which will please God. Many people today compromise their trust and faith in God when they are in a tough or rough situation, and some do compromise in the midst of plenty. That was the case of Daniel. For any man who desires success and excellence, then self-discipline must be your priority. You have to pray that God will imbibe the spirit of self-discipline. I have seen many young and old people destroyed because they couldn’t control themselves in the midst of plenty. God wants us to learn that excellence has a price to pay and one of which is discipline.
(Daniel 2:20). This is one of the issues many people have in this generation. They think that their success is self-made. Most people think that the life they live is As a result of their wealth and good dieting. Some also see their wealth and prosperity as a result of their hard work or hustle. If you are in any of this category, then you have to repent and begin to acknowledge God. We need to see God in everything we do. The bible says that “every good gift and blessings is from above, and cometh down from the father. (James 1:7). I love what the book of Deuteronomy says “But you shall remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18). Whenever you begin to see yourself as the author or strength of your success or wealth then God is not In view.
(Daniel 2:20). This is one of the issues many people have in this generation. They think that their success is self-made. Most people think that the life they live is As a result of their wealth and good dieting. Some also see their wealth and prosperity as a result of their hard work or hustle. If you are in any of this category, then you have to repent and begin to acknowledge God. We need to see God in everything we do. The bible says that “every good gift and blessings is from above, and cometh down from the father. (James 1:7). I love what the book of Deuteronomy says “But you shall remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18). Whenever you begin to see yourself as the author or strength of your success or wealth then God is not In view.
when the king had a terrible dream, (Daniel 2:27) that no one on earth could interpret, Daniel knew that there is only one channel to obtain this great secret and that was the channel of Prayer. There is a God that reveals secrets to success, growth, marriage, wealth etc. and that God can be accessed through the channel of prayer. For me this was one of the major and foundational secrets that distinguished Daniel and brought him to greatness. Anyone who wants to see himself or herself accelerate in life and destiny, then you must be prepared to be a person of prayer. In this wicked world we live in, you can’t survive without prayers. If you are prayerless, then you are powerless. For if there’s any man to pray, there is a God to answer. Prayer is not a suggestion or advice, it’s a command, for every living man or woman on earth. 1Thessalonians 5:17. “Pray without ceasing”. This simply means, pray without stopping till your leave this earth. I tell people that if you fail to pray, then you become a prey to the devil. The topic of prayer cannot be over emphasized. Just like Daniel, You only obtain secrets from God in the place of prayer. Whatsoever that is troubling you, crying, complaining or fighting doesn’t move God. Your Prayer and your faith does. From today, be a person of prayer, because prayer makes you stay on top of things. And let me tell you that if you only pray when you are in a problem, then you truly have a problem. You don’t pray because you have a problem alone, you pray because you want to commune in fellowship with God. Make prayer a lifestyle.
when the king had a terrible dream, (Daniel 2:27) that no one on earth could interpret, Daniel knew that there is only one channel to obtain this great secret and that was the channel of Prayer. There is a God that reveals secrets to success, growth, marriage, wealth etc. and that God can be accessed through the channel of prayer. For me this was one of the major and foundational secrets that distinguished Daniel and brought him to greatness. Anyone who wants to see himself or herself accelerate in life and destiny, then you must be prepared to be a person of prayer. In this wicked world we live in, you can’t survive without prayers. If you are prayerless, then you are powerless. For if there’s any man to pray, there is a God to answer. Prayer is not a suggestion or advice, it’s a command, for every living man or woman on earth. 1Thessalonians 5:17. “Pray without ceasing”. This simply means, pray without stopping till your leave this earth. I tell people that if you fail to pray, then you become a prey to the devil. The topic of prayer cannot be over emphasized. Just like Daniel, You only obtain secrets from God in the place of prayer. Whatsoever that is troubling you, crying, complaining or fighting doesn’t move God. Your Prayer and your faith does. From today, be a person of prayer, because prayer makes you stay on top of things. And let me tell you that if you only pray when you are in a problem, then you truly have a problem. You don’t pray because you have a problem alone, you pray because you want to commune in fellowship with God. Make prayer a lifestyle.
as a ruler and a man in government, Daniel was serious and meticulous in his affairs while serving the masses. The bible says that the same Daniel was faithful and neither was any error or fault found in him. There is something spectacular about Daniel, he was not a corrupt official in the government of his time, he was accountable and even when his records were reviewed, no fault was found in Daniel. Why? Because Daniel knew that knowledge will take you up, but integrity is what keeps you there. Integrity is what places you on high demand and makes you the most preferred amongst great men. Daniel 6:3, “this Daniel was preferred above presidents and prices because of this spirit of excellence.” Wow, what a man.
as a ruler and a man in government, Daniel was serious and meticulous in his affairs while serving the masses. The bible says that the same Daniel was faithful and neither was any error or fault found in him. There is something spectacular about Daniel, he was not a corrupt official in the government of his time, he was accountable and even when his records were reviewed, no fault was found in Daniel. Why? Because Daniel knew that knowledge will take you up, but integrity is what keeps you there. Integrity is what places you on high demand and makes you the most preferred amongst great men. Daniel 6:3, “this Daniel was preferred above presidents and prices because of this spirit of excellence.” Wow, what a man.
I can practically tell you that one of the most valued attitude that moves God especially in the life of any believer is the attitude of gratitude. Many today have taken the glory that belongs to God to themselves. When God answers your prayer or gives you a blessing do you show appreciation in thanksgiving? if you do, then what approach or how do you thank him? God is triggered to do more when we thank him and express a great level of gratitude even for the little he has done. That was the case of Daniel. In Daniel 2:20-23, Daniel recognized and gave thanks to God because it was only him that can revealed the deep and secret things hidden on earth. Learn to say thank you. It doesn’t cost you anything but rather brings more reward and blessing to you. discover the benefits of gratitude here.
I can practically tell you that one of the most valued attitude that moves God especially in the life of any believer is the attitude of gratitude. Many today have taken the glory that belongs to God to themselves. When God answers your prayer or gives you a blessing do you show appreciation in thanksgiving? if you do, then what approach or how do you thank him? God is triggered to do more when we thank him and express a great level of gratitude even for the little he has done. That was the case of Daniel. In Daniel 2:20-23, Daniel recognized and gave thanks to God because it was only him that can revealed the deep and secret things hidden on earth. Learn to say thank you. It doesn’t cost you anything but rather brings more reward and blessing to you. discover the benefits of gratitude here.
To possess an excellent spirit, we must understand and begin to apply these principles. One can’t do without the other, when you begin to walk faithfully in the little that has been committed to your hand, your faithfulness has a way of speaking for you even in you absence. There are things or situations that words and explanations can’t describe but your faithful walk with God will deliver you into that place of great success and abundant pleasure. Daniel enjoyed global recognition
and a world class ovation because of these principles that implanted an excellent spirit in him. We all can walk in this realm if we decide today to begin to demonstrate excellence in our thoughts, actions and lifestyle. It’s a process, and any process must begin somewhere. So you have to begin to initialize these principles daily in your walk with God and prayerfully dealing with every negative issues, foundations, and lifestyles that are not of God.
My prayer for you today is that God will strengthen and equip you in your walk with him. He will implant in you that spirit of excellence and distinction just like Daniel. Amen.
and a world class ovation because of these principles that implanted an excellent spirit in him. We all can walk in this realm if we decide today to begin to demonstrate excellence in our thoughts, actions and lifestyle. It’s a process, and any process must begin somewhere. So you have to begin to initialize these principles daily in your walk with God and prayerfully dealing with every negative issues, foundations, and lifestyles that are not of God.
My prayer for you today is that God will strengthen and equip you in your walk with him. He will implant in you that spirit of excellence and distinction just like Daniel. Amen.
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